ConsumerHouse services
In-Home Test
With an In-Home survey, we package and ship your product to specifically selected respondents.
They will then assess your product from home.
Some examples of this are;
Soft drinks, yogurt, frozen pizzas, cookies, cheese, mattresses, detergent, ...
During a taste test, we call on specific respondents to come and test your product at one of our test locations.
Some examples of this are;
Beer, energy drinks, cheese, hot vegetables,
chips, frozen fries, water, ...
Taste testing
Shelf research / product research
A real store rack is built in which the respondent has to 'shop'.
Some examples of this are;
Fruit drinks, yogurt, cheese, alcoholic drinks, cookies, cheese, ...
Some examples of this are;
Banks, insurance companies, car brands,
social secretariats, supermarkets, ...
Research online
Face to face interview (F2F)
We offer different types of F2F interviews;
-Exit interviews: respondents are asked when leaving the store. Some examples of this are;
clothing chains, supermarkets, furniture chains, shopping centers, ...
-Street interviews
-In home interviews
- ...
We take care of the complete organization of your
high-quality field work. If necessary, we can offer recruitment services, professional moderators,
experienced note takers, catering, ...
Our room has;
- A discussion & monitoring room with one-way mirror
- A modern recording equipment
- A mobile plasma with PC/DVD connection
- Wi-Fi
Some examples of this are;
Gambling, car maintenance, energy supplies, drinks retailers, magazines, ...